All the research that I undertake for you will be confidential, tailored to your needs and carried out to a professional standard. I will keep you informed about how the work is progressing against the agreed goals, budget and timescale, so that we can agree the best way forwards.
After our Initial Evaluation conversation, I will provide a quotation, copy of my Terms & Conditions and an estimated timeframe for completion of the work.
Access to standard websites such as Ancestry is included in the price quoted but there may be additional expenses for pay-per-view sites or copies of birth certificates etc, for which we can agree a suitable budget before any costs are incurred.
There is no obligation until an agreement document is signed and the initial payment has been made.
You will then need to supply whatever information and/or documents you have such as copies of birth, marriage and death certificates, to avoid duplication.
Smartphone photographs of documents are OK, if the print is clear, or scanned images.
Occupations, locations etc are important, along with family stories. These can be given verbally by phone or documented and sent via e-mail.
I will keep you in touch with progress throughout my research. Please understand that each family research project is unique and can take an unexpected path. We always hope for good results but sometimes the answers are not there to be found, such as in cases of an un-named father on a birth certificate.
Once the research has been completed, I will document the findings in an appropriate manner, according to the type of assignment undertaken. I retain the copyright on all reports.
The final report or information
found will be sent to you electronically on receipt of the balance of payment.
50% of the agreed costs, subject to a minimum payment of £50, are taken at the time of commission and are payable by BACS to Hilary Waller. The outstanding balance, including any additional research costs, is due on completion of the research and must be paid within 14 days of the date of invoice. Once full payment has been received you will be provided with your research results.
For clients who live outside the UK payment is accepted by Paypal. A surcharge of 10% will be applied.
I will comply with data protection requirements and I am registered as a Data Controller on the Data Protection Public Register held by the Information Commissioner’s Office, ICO, Reg. No.: ZB069900.
I also comply with the AGRA Code of Ethics (Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives).
It is important to me that you are aware that I cannot conduct research on living people due to Privacy legislation, other than any information that is already in the public domain. Access to some records for those that have lived within the last 100 years may also be limited. For example, the 1921 census will only become available after the end of 100 years, and thus is due for release early in 2022.
If you are interested in using DNA analysis as part of the research, then I can recommend other professionals who specialise in this type of work.