The Digital Genealogist

What I can do for you

There is now a fantastic and ever-growing number of digitised family history records available online. These are more accessible to anyone doing their own research and more cost and time effective for a professional genealogist than using physical records. They are also unaffected by restrictions due to Covid. The best approach is to fully utilise online material, which is often all that is needed for 19th and 20th century family history research before considering other sources.

As a professionally trained Genealogist I know the most efficient and cost-effective ways of finding the data you need to compile an accurate family tree. If you want to share the results with your family, I can produce family tree charts and reports that detail the lives of your ancestors.

Why use my services?

I can be flexible and begin the research from wherever you wish. I offer everything from a quick fix if you are stuck with your own research, through a range of fixed price packages, to a full ‘do it all’ bespoke service.

Many people have difficulty doing their own research due to:

  • Lack of time
  • Finding it hard to use the websites
  • Knowing how to record findings
  • Hitting a brick wall
  • Being misled by mistakes in public family trees
  • Being misled by family legends
  • Variations in the spelling of names in the records

I can help you get past your brick walls or verify your family tree, enabling you to continue. Alternatively why not sit back and let me do everything for you?

You can choose the level of support you would like:

Your reason for visiting my website might be one of those suggested or perhaps because you have always wanted to know if a family story that has been handed down to you is true. I first got into Genealogy to find out if my maternal grandfather really had been born a Cockney, as my mother had always wondered!

Next steps

When you choose someone to help with your research, you need to be confident that they will be easy to work with. I offer an hour’s free no obligation Initial Consultation, so that we can start getting to know each other.